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McDonald's New Released - Prosperity Burger & Red Bean Flavored Sundae Cone

Every year before Chinese New Year, McDonald's seem likely to come out with the 'Prosperity Burger'' and this year, they even bring back the Red Bean McFlurry and Red Bean Pie. The following sentences, is just my presume. The reason they bring back maybe because most of the Chinese tend to eat red bean? Or maybe it was a hit? Well, the red bean series isn't that bad. So I'm okay with it.

When I visited their website, saw the promotion section and I was like, Okay... all of this had tasted before so i guess i have to wait for the next new product launch. But then, as i continued scrolled down, and guess what i see -- Red Bean Flavored Sundae Cone. And that's my intention today. 

Well, at first i was just planned to purchase the ice-cream but i just don't know what i to eat (dinner) so I just order the Prosperity Burger (chicken). 

Prosperity Burger (set)- RM 14.98

Given the first glance, no vege except onion. Second the smell of black pepper. Everything seems normal, but it was not. 1st bite, 2nd bite, can taste the fragrance of black pepper, then my mouth starts to feel hot! It is spicy. Thank god, i bought it as a set which includes with the cold drink. Taking a big gulp of the 'Orange McFizz' to decrease the spiciness of the burger. After that, eww!! that drink is bitter. Oh Man! that orange juice plus fizzy drink, just nay.

Sometimes i wonder if the meat is real? Well, I have come to eat this just don't care it anymore. What important to me is the taste. The satisfaction. By the way, onion tends to appear whenever it comes to black pepper. Especially in this case, the onion tastes kinda sweet and it tends to balance out the overall taste of black pepper sauce. Without the onions, i don't think i can keep on going eating it. Something stimulates the overall taste in between always the good reason for you to keep on eating.  

Red Bean Sundae Cone - RM 2.50

Alright, here is the main intention of mine- Try the new flavor. Here's my opinion, the taste kind bland as for the red bean. It has a slight taste of it but not much. For me it has a taste that i don't know how to describe and it is something not that i will give it a high review. In the opposite, the Red Bean McFlurry is better than this. Yes, the price may be higher than this but i think the McFlurry is more worth and tasty. Come on, a real red bean sauce that contain actual red bean (although the sauce it more) drizzle on the vanilla ice-cream. How bad that could be, right? Don't forget about the pie. The Red Bean Pie is good too but for me, the Pulut Hitam taste better.

Overall Review:
Burger: 6.5/10
Spiciness: 6/10
Red Bean Sundae Cone: 4/10
Orange McFizz: -1/10

The winner of the meal is.....

Sorry, I just love fries potato and this fries coated with flour and spice. So it was Freaking DELICIOUS!
